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The world as a guest in the motherland of the breed

The countdown…



  • WUSV Helpers Selection in Meppen

    The helpers’ selection for the WUSV-World Championship took part in the athletics stadium in Meppen. The following helpers were chosen: Sascha Kempf, Bernard Leferink, Christan Mieck, Igor Pfeifer, Dirk Wernet and Michael Zink. Due to an injury Tobias Blome had to resign from the selection procedure. Our thanks go to the WUSV-Coordinator for Trial and…

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  • Welcome in Meppen

    The HÄNSCH stadium in Meppen in the Emsland region offers ideal conditions for this top event in terms of dogs’ sports. Teams from WUSV member countries from all over the world will be given a chance perform at the highest possible level at that venue. For five consecutive days our very special breed, the German…

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