IP Starters
Team Arab Emirates
Team Leader
Felix von Sosen
Mohamed Yousif M. H. Aldamarki
UAE-01 Ali Omran Ali Rashid Alshamsi with Moorschloss Farell-Wieratal
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2367862Working Title:IGP3 IFH1Litter Day:07.07.2019Chip-Nr.:985113003361656HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Iggy z Medvedej doliny
(FI 30473/17)
(IPO1)Mother:Aimeè Canis Invictus (INT)
(SZ 2320418)
(IPO2) -
UAE-02 Giuseppe Risica with Arak Blue Rock Ranch
Breed Book Nr.:ROI 21/38235Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:27.10.2020Chip-Nr.:380260101755472HD:nearly normal (I)ED:still permitted (I)Father:Qatar v. Alten Kanal
(SZ 2374597)
(IGP3(SG-BSP))Mother:Thai vom Sattelberg (INT)
(SZ 2329145)
Team Argentina
Team Leader
Lucero Osvaldo
ARG-01 Lucero Osvaldo with Facon fortis lupus (INT)
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2373954Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:10.05.2021Chip-Nr.:981189900123764HD:normal (RA)ED:normal (RA)Father:Iso von der Mooreiche
(SZ 2324802)
(IGP3(SG-BSP))Mother:Alaska fortis lupus (INT)
(SZ 2325350)
(IGP3) -
ARG-02 Fernando Javier Laita with Logan v. Laita
Breed Book Nr.:POA 360566Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:01.01.2019Chip-Nr.:939000004323807HD:nearly normal (RA)ED:normal (RA)Father:Xirius Provocativo
(CMKU/DS 100289/15)Mother:Alexa Welzbach
(AKC DN 36827407)
(IPO1) -
ARG-03 Walter David Chavarria with Tina v. Virginia
Breed Book Nr.:POA 357774Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:26.07.2018Chip-Nr.:939000004290612HD:normal (RA)ED:normal (RA)Father:Korky vom Barbatus
(SZ 2307553)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Gigi v. Virginia
(POA 327865)
Team Austria
Team Leader
Wolfgang Hafner
Marina Gschwandtner
AUT-01 Florian Eberl with Oetzi aus der Königshöhle (INT)
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2333881Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:04.02.2017Chip-Nr.:981189900078511HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Bordy Blendy
(SZ 2302916)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Wilma aus der Königshöhle (INT)
(SZ 2287110)
(IPO2 ÖPO1) -
AUT-02 Robert Diesenreither with Life vom Kämpferherz (INT)
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2343074Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:04.11.2017Chip-Nr.:981189900088207HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Bordy Blendy
(SZ 2302916)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Dinky vom Kämpferherz (INT)
(SZ 2269823)
(IPO3) -
AUT-03 Hannes Braunhofer with Axl vom Traunsteinblick (INT)
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2342339Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:28.11.2017Chip-Nr.:981189900088848HD:nearly normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Wotan vom Haus Pixner (INT)
(SZ 2248614)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM) ÖPO3 FH2(Ö))Mother:Leny vom Patscherkofel (INT)
(SZ 2304185)
(IPO3) -
AUT-04 Martin Küchel with Theo vom Schopperweg (INT)
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2354809Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:19.04.2019Chip-Nr.:981189900106698HD:still permitted (D)ED:nearly normal (D)Father:Odin vom Schopperweg (INT)
(SZ 2311567)
(IGP3)Mother:Haska vom Patscherkofel (INT)
(SZ 2298793)
(IGP3) -
AUT-05 Johannes Eitler with Yoggi aus der Königshöhle (INT)
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2362382Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:20.03.2020Chip-Nr.:981189900105490HD:nearly normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Hades vom Eisernen Kreuz
(SZ 2313621)
(IGP3(SG-BSP) FH1 IFH2)Mother:Wolf`s Dorli
(SZ 2296671)
Team Belgium
Team Leader
Philip Michielsen
Veronique Vleugels
BEL-01 Anouck Wijgaerts with Tika v. Arne`s Hoeve
Breed Book Nr.:LOSH 1306113Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:12.03.2020Chip-Nr.:981100004669514HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Gringo Ja Na Ka
(CMKU/DS 97231/14)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Qira v. Arne`s Hoeve
(LOSH 1252759)
(IGP3) -
BEL-02 Dirk Leemans with Una v. Blutsenhof
Breed Book Nr.:LOSH 01325478Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:14.03.2021Chip-Nr.:981100004825340HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Hercules vom Großen Ex
(SZ 2308097)
(IGP3)Mother:Diris z Kristova
(CMKU/DS 105307/16) -
BEL-03 Anke van der Smissen with Sienna Cedkaley
Breed Book Nr.:LOSH 1284285Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:02.02.2019Chip-Nr.:981100004600469HD:still permitted (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Fajo spod Lazov
(SKJ 58786/09)Mother:Lola Cedkaley
(LOSH 1111164) -
BEL-04 Roger Scheelen with Perle v.d. Balkendreef
Breed Book Nr.:LOSH 1178422Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:28.06.2016Chip-Nr.:981100004301398HD:normal (B)ED:normal (B)Father:House Challege King
(SZ 2313639)
(IPO3(G-WUSV-WM))Mother:Zandi von der Schiffslache
(SZ 2228789)
(IPO3 SchH2(B)) -
BEL-05 Patrick Vandewaetere with Qira v. Arne`s Hoeve
Breed Book Nr.:LOSH 1252759Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:27.05.2017Chip-Nr.:981100004406487HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Dinoso vom Eisernen Kreuz
(SZ 2281488)
(IPO3(SG-BSP) FH1 FH2)Mother:Mona of Arne`s Place
(LOSH 1132998)
Team Canada
Team Leader
Kordula Juhnke
Roland Juhnke
CAN-01 Lance R. Collins with Keiko von der Edermündung (INT)
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2352582Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:20.02.2019Chip-Nr.:981189900112394HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Orkan vom Heidhof
(SZ 2297148)
(IGP3(SG-BSP) IFH1)Mother:Hamila von der Edermündung (INT)
(SZ 2325116)
CAN-02 An Le with Bond v. Haus Le
Breed Book Nr.:CKC HY 4035694Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:02.12.2020Chip-Nr.:968000011207104HD:nearly normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Irck de la Hutte du Berger
(SZ 2301806)
(IPO3(V-BSP))Mother:Kira Ja Na Ka
(CMKU/DS 111667/18) -
CAN-03 Luca Mazzucco with Imzedrift`s Nick
Breed Book Nr.:SE 27946/2019Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:03.04.2019Chip-Nr.:977200009465206HD:nearly normal (S)ED:normal (S)Father:Cartagena Ivan
(DKK 21639/2009)Mother:Imzedrift`s Claudia
(SKK SE 49031/2012) -
CAN-04 Ralph Gilby with Datty Fatymona
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 115445/19Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:21.01.2019Chip-Nr.:941000022996445Father:Hasan Ja Na Ka
(SZ 2350368)
(IPO2 IFH1)Mother:Atta Fatymona
(CMKU/DS 105817/16) -
CAN-05 Gabi Hoffmann with Covid vom Friedewälder Schloß
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2370387Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:26.02.2021Chip-Nr.:981189900123991HD:still permitted (D)ED:normal (D)Father:X-Man Mersak
(SZ 2363462)
(IGP3)Mother:Tammy vom Friedewälder Schloß
(SZ 2336892)
Team Chile
Team Leader
Leon Leonel Cortez
CHI-01 Leon Leonel Cortez with Urco de Santa Logy
Breed Book Nr.:RGCH 67350Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:24.10.2019Chip-Nr.:939000007261449HD:normal (CL)ED:nearly normal (CL)Father:Claus von Württemberg
(RGCH 48021)Mother:Godzila Solid Black
(RGCH 67255)
Team Colombia
Team Leader
Anna Bönsch
COL-01 Julian Penagos with Amboss von der eisernen Festung (INT)
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2350699Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:29.10.2018Chip-Nr.:981189900102201HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Henrik vom Wolfsheim
(SZ 2280983)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM) FH2)Mother:Fame vom dunklen Zwinger
(SZ 2262787)
Team Costa Rica
Team Leader
Jaime Mermelstein
CRC-01 Alberto Soto with Lord vom Friedrichsfelder Eck (INT)
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2342367Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:15.11.2017Chip-Nr.:981189900088823HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Mirak vom Friedrichsfelder Eck (INT)
(SZ 2256499)
(IPO3)Mother:Trixi vom Friedrichsfelder Eck (INT)
(SZ 2285769)
Team Czech Republic
Team Leader
Jaroslav Vyhnal
Veronika Coufalova
CZE-01 Martin Pejsa with Chuck Felones
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 121396/20Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:31.03.2020Chip-Nr.:941000024563712HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Allegro ze Zdeneho mlyna
(CMKU/DS 107205/17)Mother:Denny Felones
(CMKU/DS 99113/15) -
CZE-02 Libor Kostera with Dagger Czech Legendary
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 124904/20Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:18.11.2020Chip-Nr.:203003000586219HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Caskar Vikar
(CMKU/DS 107460/17)Mother:Orphee ze Slovanskeho domu
(CMKU/DS 95329/14/17) -
CZE-03 Jan Sedlak with Unique Provocativo
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 122315/20Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:15.05.2020Chip-Nr.:941000024814301HD:normal (D)Father:Ike vom Teufelshang
(SZ 2311397)
(IGP3)Mother:Jabina Ina
(DKK 06472/2013)
(IPO1 ZVV1) -
CZE-04 Marek Cerny with Uschi Aykmar
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2376260Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:07.05.2019Chip-Nr.:203098100443770HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Irck de la Hutte du Berger
(SZ 2301806)
(IPO3(V-BSP))Mother:Geoffy Aykmar
(CMKU/DS 92981/14)
(IPO1) -
CZE-05 Michal Elias with Rebel z Berounske basty
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 110370/17Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:29.12.2017Chip-Nr.:953010003221366HD:normal (CZ)ED:normal (CZ)Father:Qvido Vepeden
(CMKU/DS 85637/12)
(IPO3(V-WUSV-WM))Mother:Qwina z Berounske basty
(CMKU/DS 79595/10) -
CZE-06 Iva Lzicarova with Dara Abalio
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 115729/19Working Title:IGP3 ZVV2Litter Day:05.02.2019Chip-Nr.:953010003484056HD:normal (CZ)ED:normal (CZ)Father:Morgan od Policie Ceske republiky
(CMKU/DS 82478/11)Mother:Breny Abalio
(CMKU/DS 86910/12)
Team Denmark
Team Leader
John Egholm
DEN-01 Michelle Jonsson with Hesselballe Hugo Junior
Breed Book Nr.:DKK 05646/2018Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:06.03.2018Chip-Nr.:208210000660868HD:normal (DK)ED:normal (DK)Father:Hesselballe Cico
(DKK 08817/2013)
(IPO3(G-WUSV-WM) IFH2)Mother:Laerkbo`s Hella
(DKK 09702/2012)
(IPO3) -
DEN-02 Vibeke Molgaard with Wolfsmoor v. Haska
Breed Book Nr.:DKK 14222/2019Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:07.07.2019Chip-Nr.:208250000136801HD:nearly normal (DK)ED:normal (DK)Father:Newton von Skandinavika
(SZ 2294057)
(IPO3(G-WUSV-WM))Mother:Wolfsmoor v. Cira
(DKK 08522/2015)
(IPO3) -
DEN-03 Allan Maindal with Aron Wilcken
Breed Book Nr.:DKK 07701/2019Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:03.04.2019Chip-Nr.:208250000134842HD:normal (DK)ED:normal (DK)Father:K`nox vom Tollhaus
(SZ 2315431)
(IGP3(V-BSP))Mother:Jabina Liara
(DKK 16408/2013)
DEN-04 Benny Boesen with Kongeskoven`s Yari
Breed Book Nr.:DKK 08679/2019Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:01.05.2019Chip-Nr.:208210000655593HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Hades vom Eisernen Kreuz
(SZ 2313621)
(IGP3(SG-BSP) FH1 IFH2)Mother:Kongeskoven`s Smila
(DKK 15824/2014)
(IPO3) -
DEN-05 Sören Petersen with Team Gamedog Anton
Breed Book Nr.:DKK 20496/2017Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:10.12.2017Chip-Nr.:208250000102250HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Pike del Lupo Nero
(SZ 2195179)
(SchH3(SG-BSP) IPO3)Mother:Genta vom Spektefeld
(SZ 2293324) -
DEN-06 Steen Pedersen with Jabina Haley
Breed Book Nr.:DKK 00183/2017Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:26.12.2016Chip-Nr.:208250000083099HD:normal (DK)ED:normal (DK)Father:Vegas von der Burg Hinte
(SZ 2301956)
(IGP3(SG-WUSV-WM) IFH1)Mother:Jabina Liva
(DKK 17114/2010)
Team Finland
Team Leader
Janne Jalasaho
Ville Hatakka
FIN-01 Janne Vaara with Airasuden Irck
Breed Book Nr.:FIN 16115/19Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:23.01.2019Chip-Nr.:991001002687338HD:nearly normal (FI)ED:normal (FI)Father:Ilor Geladius
(FIN 36589/10)Mother:Steel-Stacy Great Shepherd`s
(FIN 22913/12) -
FIN-02 Mika Leskelä with Thiarco Mika
Breed Book Nr.:FIN 17963/20Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:04.02.2020Chip-Nr.:985111001099212HD:nearly normal (FI)ED:normal (FI)Father:Seijn Eqidius
(?)Mother:Thiarco Jägermeister
(?) -
FIN-03 Jusa Koivisto with Ricky del Lupo Nero
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2327547Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:17.07.2016Chip-Nr.:981189900082487HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Orlo von der neuen Klus
(SZ 2225438)
(SchH1 IPO3(SG-BSP) FH2)Mother:Amica del Lupo Nero
(SZ 2277935)
(IPO1) -
FIN-04 Tommi Vanhala with Willacasan Aarre
Breed Book Nr.:FIN 17753/18Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:28.01.2018Chip-Nr.:985113001633744HD:normal (FI)ED:normal (FI)Father:Iggy z Medvedej doliny
(FI 30473/17)
(IPO1)Mother:Nobletic`s Wenja
(FIN 45016/09) -
FIN-05 Riikka Byckling with Breakingbad Yumbone`s
Breed Book Nr.:FIN 28148/17Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:02.04.2017Chip-Nr.:985111001101198HD:normal (FI)ED:normal (FI)Father:Irwin Geladius
(FI 36588/10)Mother:Darra Wolkar
(FI 41827/16)
Team France
Team Leader
Adrien George
Loic Peratout
FRA-01 Jerome Robert with Popeye du Normont
Breed Book Nr.:LOF 734360Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:02.02.2019Chip-Nr.:250269811776093HD:normal (F)ED:normal (F)Father:Arek von Pentavita (INT)
(SZ 2267537)
(IPO3(SG-BSP) FH2)Mother:Gulli du Normont
(LOF 650826)
FRA-02 Celine Ruch with Oxy de la Source Des Bois
Breed Book Nr.:LOF 726957Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:13.07.2018Chip-Nr.:250268501523016ED:normal (F)Father:Faro de l`Anneau D`Or
(LOF 638643)Mother:Laly du Clos de l`Abbaye
(LOF 690497) -
FRA-03 Jean-Marie Rohmer with O`Neal du Chateau de Werde
Breed Book Nr.:LOF 725871Litter Day:18.04.2018Chip-Nr.:250268732262324HD:normal (F)ED:normal (F)Father:Gun vom Weinbergblick (INT)
(SZ 2210018)
(SchH3 IPO3(SG-LGA))Mother:Carla ze Stribrneho kamene
(CMKU/DS 15899/11)
(IPO2) -
FRA-04 Lea Torras with Ostine du Domaine de Fontblanche
Breed Book Nr.:LOF 724583Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:11.04.2018Chip-Nr.:250268501479829HD:normal (F)ED:normal (F)Father:Gepetto de La Coquellerie
(LOF 646030)Mother:Habby du Domaine de Fontblanche
(LOF 659531) -
FRA-05 Maryse Peytavin with Orphee des Orckis de l`Adret
Breed Book Nr.:LOF 726733Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:03.07.2018Chip-Nr.:250268732268056HD:normal (F)ED:normal (F)Father:Bordy Blendy
(SZ 2302916)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Leyka des Orckis de l`Adret
(LOF 696570)
Team Germany
Team Leader
Wilfried Tautz
Karl Deisenroth
GER-01 Peter Rohde with Chapa vom Drachenwolf (INT)
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2345585Working Title:IGP3(G-BSP)Litter Day:18.03.2018Chip-Nr.:981189900090964HD:normal (D)ED:still permitted (D)Father:Hercules vom Großen Ex
(SZ 2308097)
(IGP3)Mother:Vayka von Peroh
(SZ 2287889)
(IPO3(G-BSP) FH2) -
GER-02 Julia Schwabe with Fräulein Fibi vom Alten Bernauer Heerweg
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2373295Working Title:IGP3(SG-LGA)Litter Day:23.06.2021Chip-Nr.:981189900116609HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Apollo vom Schloß Solitude
(SZ 2295325)
(IGP3(G-WUSV-WM))Mother:Emoji vom Alten Bernauer Heerweg
(SZ 2347099)
(IGP3(SG-BSP)) -
GER-03 Harald Mürdel with Peersy von der Lobdeburg
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2350739Working Title:IGP3(SG-BSP) IFH1Litter Day:02.12.2018Chip-Nr.:981189900110070HD:normal (D)ED:nearly normal (D)Father:Irck de la Hutte du Berger
(SZ 2301806)
(IPO3(V-BSP))Mother:Vee vom Kammberg
(SZ 2304119)
(IPO3(G-BSP)) -
GER-04 Joanna Kariusz with Imalla vom Haus Mink
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2362921Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:17.05.2020Chip-Nr.:981189900128565HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Lord Ad-Gür
(SZ 2339621)
(IGP3(G-BSP))Mother:Kiki von der Schiffslache
(SZ 2322827)
(IGP2) -
GER-05 Klaus Gedicke with Anton von der lichten Tanne (INT)
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2355515Working Title:IGP3(SG-BSP) IFH1Litter Day:18.05.2019Chip-Nr.:981189900111549HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Irck de la Hutte du Berger
(SZ 2301806)
(IPO3(V-BSP))Mother:Onja vom Heidhof
(SZ 2297155)
(IPO3(G-BSP)) -
GER-06 Vincenzo Piroso with Dana von der Wittelsburg
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2372599Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:07.04.2021Chip-Nr.:981189900123607HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Ravi del Lupo Nero
(SZ 2327546)
(IGP3)Mother:Amy-Lou vom Peiner Burgpark (INT)
(SZ 2342286)
Team Great Britain
Team Leader
Ruth Southon
Jayne Wood
GBR-01 Alan Wood with Cami At Shangay Vrochas
Breed Book Nr.:EKC AW 02773206Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:04.05.2019Chip-Nr.:900200000202067HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Oddin aus der Königshöhle (INT)
(SZ 2333880)
(ROI 15/19749)
(IPO1) -
GBR-02 Ross Heron with Harcos von Peroh
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2346813Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:20.02.2018Chip-Nr.:981189900087062HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Hercules vom Großen Ex
(SZ 2308097)
(IGP3)Mother:Dascha von Peroh
(SZ 2319596)
(IGP3 IFH2) -
GBR-03 Bethan Allen with Westmac Ddraigkahlan
Breed Book Nr.:EKC AV 02681501Working Title:IGP1Litter Day:03.06.2018Chip-Nr.:991001000361952HD:nearly normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Xanuk v. grauen Star
(SZ 2303181)
(IPO3(G-WUSV-WM))Mother:Carlsbro Beda at Westmac
(EKC AM03060403) -
GBR-04 Bernard James with Odin-Pablo v.d. Ybajo Hoeve
Breed Book Nr.:NHSB 3103001Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:03.11.2017Chip-Nr.:528140000695923HD:still permitted (D)ED:still permitted (D)Father:Hamersslag v. Pablo
(NHSB 2843618)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Toh-Joy v.d. Ybajo Hoeve
(?) -
GBR-05 Jennie Fincham with Finchpark Ella
Breed Book Nr.:EKC AX 00174206Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:28.09.2019Chip-Nr.:900133000382924HD:nearly normal (D)ED:nearly normal (D)Father:Oscar von Haus Targa
(LOSH 1163128)Mother:Hohenburg Boa
(EKC AQ02889609) -
GBR-06 Christopher Bows with Vomtholou Drago
Breed Book Nr.:EKC AT 10444001Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:24.11.2020Chip-Nr.:933082603063494HD:normal (D)ED:still permitted (D)Father:Kjartan vom Tollhaus
(SZ 2315430)
(IGP3)Mother:Dina vom Ketscher Wald
(SZ 2355225)
Team Greece
Team Leader
Nadezda Novotna
GRE-01 Markos Ioannidis with I`Channe Moravia Klenot
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 121251/20Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:08.03.2020Chip-Nr.:203003000587270HD:normal (CZ)ED:normal (CZ)Father:Hunter Moravia Klenot
(CMKU/DS 107022/17)
(IGP3)Mother:Cedrika Ale-Tom
(CMKU/DS 90931/13/17)
Team Hungary
Team Leader
Laszlo Nemeth
David Zsidi
HUN-01 Tünde Ronaszeki with Blondy von Starker Wille
Breed Book Nr.:MET.Nj. 1874/18Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:22.04.2018Chip-Nr.:953010002392789HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Bordy Blendy
(SZ 2302916)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Henna vom Teichblick
(SZ 2268028)
HUN-02 Diana Zubercsany with Cor von Starker Wille
Breed Book Nr.:MET.Nj. 2648/19Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:21.05.2019Chip-Nr.:953010003433435HD:normal (D)ED:still permitted (D)Father:Davo von der Yezo
(MET.Nj. 5899/11)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Like vom Teichblick
(SZ 2335340)
(IGP1) -
HUN-03 Bence Somoskövy with Ulrich von der Winterschal
Breed Book Nr.:MET.Nj. 2309/19Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:14.03.2019Chip-Nr.:991001002770380HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Igor von den Wölfen
(SZ 2255436)
(IPO3(SG-BSP) FH1 FH2)Mother:Donator Indigo
(MET.Nj. 7369/R/13)
HUN-04 Nikoletta Nagy with Wanda von Erdhainer Land
Breed Book Nr.:MET.Nj. 2207/19Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:08.12.2018Chip-Nr.:900182001798427HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Jony Walker Ad-Gür
(SUCHNO 67663/13)
(IPO2)Mother:Schmoll-Kerti Nova
(MET.Nj. 4746/11)
(IPO3) -
HUN-05 Tibor Sipos with Atos von der Evex
Breed Book Nr.:MET.Nj. 2191/19Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:18.01.2019Chip-Nr.:953010003223349HD:nearly normal (D)ED:nearly normal (D)Father:Gero z Berounske basty
(CMKU/DS 94171/14)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Netti von Aurora Teufelblut
(MET.Nj. 27217)
Team Ireland
Team Leader
Samuele Carraro
Kazimieras Mazonas
IRL-01 Raymond Breslin with Quaint aus der Königshöhle (INT)
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2340234Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:16.10.2017Chip-Nr.:981189900077659HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Basco vom wilden Klee
(SZ 2252912)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Wolf`s Dorli
(SZ 2296671)
(IPO1) -
IRL-02 Clare Higgins with Willow z Gargamellu
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 113266/18Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:03.07.2018Chip-Nr.:203094100000176HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Hercules vom Großen Ex
(SZ 2308097)
(IGP3)Mother:Cher von der Sögelnerallee
(SZ 2293504)
(IPO1) -
IRL-03 Liam O` Keeffe Leemar with Invictus von Pike`s Spirit
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2365077Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:08.08.2020Chip-Nr.:981189900117746HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Haribo vom Münzspiel
(SZ 2331376)
(IGP3(G-BSP))Mother:Nikita vom Eisernen Kreuz
(SZ 2341787)
(IGP2) -
IRL-04 Mike O`Brien with Dynamo vom Haus Vortkamp
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2348625Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:05.09.2018Chip-Nr.:981189900096262HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Fax vom Röhnsaler Bach
(SZ 2261255)
(IPO3)Mother:Zora vom Haus Vortkamp
(SZ 2306791)
Team Israel
Team Leader
Milik Berg
Oleg Gelman
ISR-01 Shahar Grinbaum with Tokyo v. Berg Israel
Breed Book Nr.:ISBR 136949Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:15.08.2018Chip-Nr.:990000002718524HD:normal (IL)ED:normal (IL)Father:Logan v. Berg Israel
(ISBR 119402)Mother:Ferrari Pro Aspera
(ISBR 126646) -
ISR-02 Oleg Gelman with August v. Team Wieratal (RSV)
Breed Book Nr.:RSV 18290Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:19.09.2019Chip-Nr.:276095610553038HD:normal (IL)ED:normal (IL)Father:Yakie vom Ottilienstein
(SZ 2321452)
(IGP3)Mother:Ronja von der Teufelskehle
(SZ 2340580)
(IGP3) -
ISR-03 Milik Berg with Night v. Waldfurter-Wald
Breed Book Nr.:PKR.I 93248Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:12.04.2019Chip-Nr.:616093900909403HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Niko v. Waldfurter-Wald
(PKR.I 83104)
(IPO1)Mother:Pea von der Schiffslache
(SZ 2326856)
Team Italy
Team Leader
Daniele Barbanera
Gianni Frattaroli
ITA-01 Luca Mario De Gerone with Iron von Pike`s Spirit
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2365079Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:08.08.2020Chip-Nr.:981189900117791HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Haribo vom Münzspiel
(SZ 2331376)
(IGP3(G-BSP))Mother:Nikita vom Eisernen Kreuz
(SZ 2341787)
(IGP2) -
ITA-02 Angelo Taddei with Haider Tempesta del Nordest
Breed Book Nr.:ROI 18/116575Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:08.05.2018Chip-Nr.:380260101197969HD:nearly normal (I)ED:normal (I)Father:Naky di Casa del Beato
(ROI 13/11550)Mother:Asia
(ROI 15/124374) -
ITA-03 Tonino Benassi with Axel
Breed Book Nr.:ROI 19/55956Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:21.03.2019Chip-Nr.:380260043510423HD:normal (I)ED:nearly normal (I)Father:Poldi von Pentavita (INT)
(SZ 2323175)
(IGP3)Mother:Orion v. Haus Matri
(ROI 13/44775) -
ITA-04 Vincenzo Magnati with Brand vom Haus Dexel
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2347545Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:06.07.2018Chip-Nr.:981189900107599HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Xoltan von Peroh
(SZ 2293055)
(IPO3(G-BSP))Mother:Sallie vom Haus Dexel
(SZ 2299137)
(IGP3(G-BSP) FH2) -
ITA-05 Cristian Mosconi with Oktan del Camino Duro (RSV)
Breed Book Nr.:RSV 01873Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:18.07.2019Chip-Nr.:276090010852902HD:normal (I)ED:normal (I)Father:Yakie vom Ottilienstein
(SZ 2321452)
(IGP3)Mother:Paletti del Camino Duro
(RSV 01475)
Team Japan
Team Leader
Haruo Masuda
Ayana Morijiri
JPN-01 Haruo Masuda with IQ of Sacred Wolf
Breed Book Nr.:PD-SZ 423687Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:22.01.2018Chip-Nr.:392143000331583HD:normal (D)ED:nearly normal (D)Father:Kendy z Kraje husitu
(CMKU/DS 97637/15)Mother:Iga Ajisai v. Haus M.
(423687) -
JPN-02 Makiko Nango with Arod v. Yokohama Nango
Breed Book Nr.:JSZ 384923Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:13.01.2020Chip-Nr.:392143000376896HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Irck de la Hutte du Berger
(SZ 2301806)
(IPO3(V-BSP))Mother:Ideal-Dokinchen of Sacred Wolf
(PD-SZ 423691) -
JPN-03 Ikuko Mitani with Vondarcor v. Tatsu
Breed Book Nr.:ANKC 4100363588Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:23.02.2021Chip-Nr.:953010004985313HD:still permitted (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Bordy Blendy
(SZ 2302916)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Chia Vikar
(CMKU/DS 116967/19) -
JPN-04 Yoko Ishihara with Umiaq of Fond Verite
Breed Book Nr.:JSZ 425139Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:18.12.2019Chip-Nr.:392144000336629HD:normal (D)ED:nearly normal (D)Father:Benjamin von der Ransch-Vincent
(AKC DN 47727201)Mother:Lili of Fond Verite
Team Kuwait
Team Leader
Abdullah Al Ghareb
KUW-01 Karam Saud with Brocks v. KDK
Breed Book Nr.:KK9A 000143Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:24.04.2020Chip-Nr.:900115002070828HD:nearly normal (D)ED:nearly normal (D)Father:Gabo Lobo Grande (INT)
(SZ 2322636)Mother:Whiskey KK9A
(000124) -
KUW-02 Ismael Bin Bakheet Abdulaziz with Quaff von der Eichendorfschule
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2355139Working Title:IGP2Litter Day:07.05.2019Chip-Nr.:981189900065127HD:nearly normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Clark von der Eichendorfschule
(SZ 2309376)
(IGP3)Mother:Xamara von der Maineiche (INT)
(SZ 2324856)
Team Lithuania
Team Leader
Skirmantas Rocka
Monika Randiene
LTU-01 Skirmantas Rocka with Calipso Plienine Iltis
Breed Book Nr.:LSVK DS 9944/20Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:26.01.2020Chip-Nr.:990000003539744HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Gero z Berounske basty
(CMKU/DS 94171/14)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Bonita is Vilku Slenio
(LSVK DS 7491/14)
Team Luxembourg
Team Leader
Joelle Baatz
LUX-01 Alfred Wirth with Vax vom Erdbeerlord
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2377244Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:19.04.2021Chip-Nr.:981189900118993HD:nearly normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Einstein vom Amistad
(SZ 2333410)
(IGP3(SG-BSP))Mother:Sunny vom Erdbeerlord
(SZ 2340905)
Team Mexico
Team Leader
Gilberto Ramon Trevino Fuerte
Velia Irai Zavala Perez
MEX-01 Gilberto Ramon Trevino Fuerte with Orex du Chateau du Paradis
Breed Book Nr.:LOF 726414/0Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:23.06.2018Chip-Nr.:250268501505410HD:normal (F)ED:normal (F)Father:Irck de la Hutte du Berger
(SZ 2301806)
(IPO3(V-BSP))Mother:Fidji du Chateau du Paradis
(LOF 639628) -
MEX-02 Velia Irai Zavala Perez with Leon Valle Verde
Breed Book Nr.:FCMC 6667-AWorking Title:IGP3Litter Day:25.12.2020Chip-Nr.:939000002608214HD:normal (MX)ED:normal (MX)Father:Otis von Haus Targa
(LOSH 1163130)Mother:Bali v. Haus Tulpe
(ASOVAL 9985)
Team Netherlands
Team Leader
Jo van Schijndel
Ing. Ingrid Sanders
NED-01 Ruben Romeijn with Hamersslag v. Wesco
Breed Book Nr.:NHSB 3106730Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:14.12.2017Chip-Nr.:528140000705339HD:nearly normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Vucan von Peroh
(SZ 2287888)
(IPO3(G-WUSV-WM) FH2)Mother:Enza v. Haus Fien Conti
(NHSB 2872706) -
NED-02 Sjacky Cnossen with Luca v. Djipy`s Haus
Breed Book Nr.:NHSB 3073208Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:22.02.2017Chip-Nr.:528140000678924HD:normal (NL)ED:normal (NL)Father:Eros vom tapferen Krieger (INT)
(SZ 2300112)
(IPO3(G-BSP))Mother:Efi v. Djipy`s Haus
(NHSB 2827317) -
NED-03 Rutger Meems with Google v.h. Chainpark
Breed Book Nr.:NHSB 3162331Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:11.06.2019Chip-Nr.:528140000759088HD:normal (D)Father:K`nox vom Tollhaus
(SZ 2315431)
(IGP3(V-BSP))Mother:Cziva v.h. Chainpark
(NHSB 3015035) -
NED-04 Johan Koeleman with Hamersslag v. Wicky
Breed Book Nr.:NHSB 3106734Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:14.12.2017Chip-Nr.:528140000708208HD:normal (NL)ED:normal (NL)Father:Vucan von Peroh
(SZ 2287888)
(IPO3(G-WUSV-WM) FH2)Mother:Enza v. Haus Fien Conti
(NHSB 2872706) -
NED-05 Jan van Roessel with Indy v. d. Lievenschbergh
Breed Book Nr.:NHSB 3148234Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:06.02.2019Chip-Nr.:528140000747536HD:normal (NL)ED:normal (NL)Father:Hamersslag v. Pablo
(NHSB 2843618)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Hind v. Djipy`s Haus
(NHSB 2936904)
Team Norway
Team Leader
Cathrine Stenmoe
NOR-01 Victoria Baines with Qhaleesi v. Falkay`s Hof
Breed Book Nr.:LOSH 1255014Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:19.06.2017Chip-Nr.:972273000438749HD:normal (F)ED:normal (F)Father:Pike del Lupo Nero
(SZ 2195179)
(SchH3(SG-BSP) IPO3)Mother:Kaya v. Haus Berendorf
(LOSH 1093959)
(IPO1) -
NOR-02 Thomas Lindahl with Fado av Heldenhaft
Breed Book Nr.:NKK 32899/19Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:19.01.2019Chip-Nr.:578095300000302HD:nearly normal (N)ED:normal (N)Father:Max von Haus Targa
(LOSH 1125443)
(IPO3(G-WUSV-WM))Mother:Ajenta av Heldenhaft
(NKK 45818/15) -
NOR-03 Vegard Sund with Atenagardens Xo
Breed Book Nr.:SE 58541/2019Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:10.11.2019Chip-Nr.:752096700120824HD:normal (N)ED:normal (N)Father:Atenagardens Rig
(SKK 29284/2014)
(IGP1)Mother:Ascha von Peroh
(SZ 2308549)
Team Poland
Team Leader
Maciej Makowski
POL-01 Slawomir Malyska with D-Tox Alta Escuela
Breed Book Nr.:PKR.I 95471Litter Day:24.12.2018Chip-Nr.:616093900627795HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Dinoso vom Eisernen Kreuz
(SZ 2281488)
(IPO3(SG-BSP) FH1 FH2)Mother:Elit Eqidius
(SUCHNO 70447/14) -
POL-02 Monika Przybysz-Gorska with Xalta Alta Escuela
Breed Book Nr.:PKR.I 90725Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:19.01.2018Chip-Nr.:616093900542673HD:nearly normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Xanuk v. grauen Star
(SZ 2303181)
(IPO3(G-WUSV-WM))Mother:Elit Eqidius
(SUCHNO 70447/14) -
POL-03 Krzysztof Ziemniewicz with Juwe Ben-Ju
Breed Book Nr.:SKJ 90771Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:23.05.2017Chip-Nr.:941000018956072HD:nearly normal (PL)ED:normal (PL)Father:Qvido Vepeden
(CMKU/DS 85637/12)
(IPO3(V-WUSV-WM))Mother:Byna Hari-Ambro
(SUCHNO 71425/15) -
POL-04 Patryk Piotrowicz with Ciro Hari-Ambro
Breed Book Nr.:SKJ 78902/19Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:18.03.2019Chip-Nr.:900085000754453HD:normal (D)ED:still permitted (D)Father:Qvido Vepeden
(CMKU/DS 85637/12)
(IPO3(V-WUSV-WM))Mother:Byna Hari-Ambro
(SUCHNO 71425/15)
Team Portugal
Team Leader
Miguel Martins
POR-01 Miguel Martins with Giddo vom Federsee
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2330794Working Title:IGP3(G-BSP) IFH1Litter Day:07.11.2016Chip-Nr.:981189900081126HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Kent von der Wolfskralle (INT)
(SZ 2265835)
(IPO3 ÖPO3)Mother:Ella vom Federsee
(SZ 2272519)
(IGP3) -
POR-02 Goncalo Guerreiro with Achiles Iveron
Breed Book Nr.:SKJ 81662/20Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:28.06.2020Chip-Nr.:941000025132460HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Casper Midollyk
(SKJ 69223/14)
(IGP3 SVV1)Mother:Vicky Iveron
(SKJ 73466/19) -
POR-03 Steve van Ingen Soares with Grifit de Parayas
Breed Book Nr.:CPR 29572Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:11.01.2019Chip-Nr.:978101082257616HD:normal (E)ED:normal (E)Father:Falko de Parayas
(CPR 14601)
(IGP3(G-WUSV-WM))Mother:Quimba II de Parayas
(LOE 2255273)
Team Romania
Team Leader
Elena Gaspar-Ion
Bogdan Cherascu
ROU-01 Cristian Borcanescu with Icer Boca Bohemia
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 112716/18Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:06.06.2018Chip-Nr.:203098100416094HD:nearly normal (D)ED:still permitted (D)Father:Joseph Anrebri
(CMKU/DS 81847/11)Mother:Leslie Waji
(CMKU/DS 101187/15) -
ROU-02 Flavius - Bogdan Cherascu with Wild Iris Hannah
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2364967Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:06.05.2017Chip-Nr.:642093400119982HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Arek von Pentavita (INT)
(SZ 2267537)
(IPO3(SG-BSP) FH2)Mother:Emma vom Gillrather Traum
(SZ 2296147)
(IPO1) -
ROU-03 Ionut-Bogdan Chirovan with Iannys z Lomeckeho polesi
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 105093/16Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:20.09.2016Chip-Nr.:941000019122852HD:nearly normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Trojan von der Staatsmacht
(SZ 2224982)
(SchH3(SG-BSP) IPO3)Mother:Kiara vom Kapbusch
(SZ 2305710) -
ROU-04 Cristian Popescu with Cheno Vikar
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 116963/19Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:30.04.2019Chip-Nr.:945000006149282HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Dinoso vom Eisernen Kreuz
(SZ 2281488)
(IPO3(SG-BSP) FH1 FH2)Mother:Satoris Puma
(DKK 03879/2015)
Team Slovakia
Team Leader
Jaroslav Vnencak
Martin Štefek
SVK-01 Jozef Nemec with Idol Hanmark
Breed Book Nr.:SKJ 77500/18Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:01.07.2018Chip-Nr.:941000022869022HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Apollo vom Schloß Solitude
(SZ 2295325)
(IGP3(G-WUSV-WM))Mother:Galaxy Hanmark
(SKJ 70947/15) -
SVK-02 Radomir Liptak with Chuck Lipov dvor
Breed Book Nr.:SKJ 78510/19Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:12.01.2019Chip-Nr.:941000024533178HD:normal (D)ED:nearly normal (D)Father:Frodo Hanmark
(SKJ 69820/14)Mother:Serena z Jurschtavu
(SKJ 74418/17) -
SVK-03 Matus Balun with Bono Extreme Arakon Land
Breed Book Nr.:PKR.I 89007Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:26.09.2017Chip-Nr.:616093900484053HD:normal (D)ED:nearly normal (D)Father:Extreme Orex Aykmar
(CMKU/DS 86810/12)
(IPO3(V-WUSV-WM))Mother:Zamia Alta Escuela
(PKR.I 77231) -
SVK-04 Eva Panakova with Ares spod Cerenca
Breed Book Nr.:Suchno 79592/19Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:02.07.2019Chip-Nr.:941000024192118HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Chris Artikau
(SKJ 70614/15)Mother:Grasa Strbsky stit
(SKJ 68737/14) -
SVK-05 Marek Slamka with Darwy Portov dvor
Breed Book Nr.:Suchno 78654/19Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:18.02.2019Chip-Nr.:900085000889559HD:still permitted (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Extreme Orex Aykmar
(CMKU/DS 86810/12)
(IPO3(V-WUSV-WM))Mother:Bernikla-Chicca Erapo
(CMKU/DS 98647/15)
Team South Korea
Team Leader
Dong Gwon Gim
Yuna Na
KOR-01 Jin Seok Yoon with Dooly of Dog Training
Breed Book Nr.:KSZ-C 00639Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:08.11.2020Chip-Nr.:410160010601808HD:normal (KR)ED:normal (KR)Father:Conan v. K-9 Key
(KSZ-B 60644)Mother:Diva Greymary
(KSZ-B 70856)
(IGP3) -
KOR-02 Junho Bae with Barley Provocativo
Breed Book Nr.:KSZ-C 20123Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:21.01.2019Chip-Nr.:941000022996243Father:Qvido Vepeden
(CMKU/DS 85637/12)
(IPO3(V-WUSV-WM))Mother:Zora Provocativo
(CMKU/DS 102008/16)
(IPO1) -
KOR-03 Ami Woo with Elan Greymary
Breed Book Nr.:KSZ-C 10363Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:29.07.2018Chip-Nr.:953010002711139ED:normal (KR)Father:Ingo z Kraje husitu
(CMKU/DS 93589/14)Mother:Unique z Holykova
(CMKU/DS 82044/11) -
KOR-04 Dong Chan Shin with Diva Greymary
Breed Book Nr.:KSZ-B 70856Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:07.11.2016Chip-Nr.:953010001586026HD:normal (KR)ED:normal (KR)Father:Extreme Orex Aykmar
(CMKU/DS 86810/12)
(IPO3(V-WUSV-WM))Mother:Unique z Holykova
(CMKU/DS 82044/11)
Team Spain
Team Leader
Manel Torreblanca Hinojo
Gabriel Miahi
ESP-01 Francisco Javier Lopez Rico with Boomer da la Vieja Encina
Breed Book Nr.:LOE 2440848Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:16.07.2018Chip-Nr.:941000023103001HD:normal (E)ED:normal (E)Father:Gringo Ja Na Ka
(CMKU/DS 97231/14)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Fara I de Pozalmuro
(LOE 2014551) -
ESP-02 Sergio Gonzalez Bertran with Leon von der Labach
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2358940Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:01.11.2019Chip-Nr.:981189900108777HD:normal (F)ED:nearly normal (F)Father:Kody vom Wolfsfriede
(SZ 2317836)
(IGP3(SG-WUSV-WM) IPO-FH IFH2)Mother:Jola von der Labach
(SZ 2321951)
(IGP3) -
ESP-03 Marcos Ferre with Xavi de Jardines del Real
Breed Book Nr.:CPR 32827Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:20.10.2020Chip-Nr.:985113004260912HD:normal (E)ED:normal (E)Father:Manu vom Leipheimer Moor
(SZ 2313082)
(IPO3)Mother:Quelia de Jardines del Real
(CPR 29107)
(IGP1) -
ESP-04 Pedro Luis Gutierrez-Rebolledo with Peter de Parayas
Breed Book Nr.:CPR 26109Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:22.06.2017Chip-Nr.:985113000946115HD:normal (E)ED:normal (E)Father:Falko de Parayas
(CPR 14601)
(IGP3(G-WUSV-WM))Mother:Palma de Parayas
(LOE 2019055) -
ESP-05 Bruno Maza with Yanki de Zugvogel
Breed Book Nr.:LOE 2497575Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:13.12.2019Chip-Nr.:900176000196729HD:normal (E)ED:normal (E)Father:Gringo Ja Na Ka
(CMKU/DS 97231/14)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Ela de Zugvogel
(LOE 2261972)
(IGP3) -
ESP-06 David Rico Blanco with Dyson de Grinesa
Breed Book Nr.:LOE 2565005Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:17.09.2020Chip-Nr.:941000026242263HD:normal (E)ED:normal (E)Father:Gringo Ja Na Ka
(CMKU/DS 97231/14)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Runa von Kap Karthago (INT)
(SZ 2336989)
Team Sweden
Team Leader
Monika Herzberg
Daniel Landell
SWE-01 Natalie Finke with Imzedrift`s Liit
Breed Book Nr.:SKK 28564/2018Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:04.02.2018Chip-Nr.:977200009261694HD:normal (S)ED:normal (S)Father:Ajax vom Königsberger Hof (INT)
(SZ 2264398)
(IPO3(G-BSP) IPO-FH FH2)Mother:Imzedrift`s Claudia
(SKK SE 49031/2012) -
SWE-02 Zimone Iwarsson with Demonen`s Xtrasalt
Breed Book Nr.:SKK 14580/2020Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:28.01.2020Chip-Nr.:968000011213291HD:nearly normal (S)ED:normal (S)Father:Sparmarkens Lex
(?)Mother:Demonen`s Kokos
(SKK 5952/2015) -
SWE-03 Malin Erlandsson with Hesselballe K`Zodd
Breed Book Nr.:DKK 15929/2019Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:20.08.2019Chip-Nr.:208250000136201HD:normal (S)ED:normal (S)Father:Miro von der alten Schmiede
(SZ 2310766)
(IGP3(G-BSP) FH2)Mother:Hesselballe Fenja
(DKK 03771/2016) -
SWE-04 Jens Broström with Pippi Red Cherry`s
Breed Book Nr.:SE 53400/2018Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:01.09.2018Chip-Nr.:752098100923186HD:nearly normal (S)ED:normal (S)Father:Hesselballe Cico
(DKK 08817/2013)
(IPO3(G-WUSV-WM) IFH2)Mother:Bewen od Jemcinskeho zamku
(CMKU/DS 101702/15)
Team Switzerland
Team Leader
Peter Luginbühl
Max Heller
SUI-01 Theo Dannacher with Freggel v.h. Pioniersland
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2361132Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:28.10.2019Chip-Nr.:528140000775893HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Energizer Marsyas Bohemian
(SZ 2354380)
(IGP2)Mother:Venna v. d. Zeelberg
(NHSB 2998467)
(IPO1) -
SUI-02 Petr Neveceral with Diktator Nirreterrit
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 127682/21Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:23.03.2021Chip-Nr.:981020000747993HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Virus vom Haus Pixner (INT)
(SZ 2332432)Mother:Norma Keraj
(CMKU/DS 92256/13) -
SUI-03 Tanja Lutz with Chicca v. Haus Vax
Breed Book Nr.:SHSB 755299Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:01.06.2018Chip-Nr.:756098000034641HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Max vom Waldhäuser Schloß
(SZ 2305602)
(IGP3(SG-BSP) IFH1)Mother:Mina v. Ratsenheim
(LOSH 1135687)
(IPO3 FH1 IFH2) -
SUI-04 Rene Hasler with Malik vom Herrenhaus
Breed Book Nr.:SHSB 770586Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:19.01.2020Chip-Nr.:756095310032850HD:normal (CH)ED:normal (CH)Father:Kody vom Wolfsfriede
(SZ 2317836)
(IGP3(SG-WUSV-WM) IPO-FH IFH2)Mother:Joy vom Herrenhaus
(SHSB 171414) -
SUI-05 Constantin Seretis with Puhma von der Lobdeburg
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2350749Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:02.12.2018Chip-Nr.:981189900111053HD:normal (CH)ED:normal (CH)Father:Irck de la Hutte du Berger
(SZ 2301806)
(IPO3(V-BSP))Mother:Vee vom Kammberg
(SZ 2304119)
(IPO3(G-BSP)) -
SUI-06 Antonia Huber with Eivy v. grauen Indianer
Breed Book Nr.:SHSB 747297Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:21.05.2017Chip-Nr.:756093400007375HD:nearly normal (CH)ED:normal (CH)Father:Cash v. Drumlin Wolf
(SHSB 676724)
(IPO3)Mother:Assyra v. grauen Indianer
(SHSB 667517)
Team Taiwan
Team Leader
Fu-Hsien Wang
Hsiu Lan Shao
TPE-01 Hsiu Lan Shao with Enrique Hnedoocko
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 110642/18Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:14.01.2018Chip-Nr.:900079000376442HD:nearly normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Gero z Berounske basty
(CMKU/DS 94171/14)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Daja Lili Hnedoocko
(CMKU/DS 98822/15) -
TPE-02 Fu Hsien Wang with Boomer vom Wolfsdreieck
Breed Book Nr.:SZ 2368162Working Title:IGP3(SG-BSP)Litter Day:25.11.2020Chip-Nr.:981189900126399HD:normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Racker vom Waisagrund
(SZ 2320449)
(IPO3(G-WUSV-WM))Mother:Quirrle vom Wolfsdreieck
(SZ 2308895)
Team USA
Team Leader
Edward Marc Torrence
Michael Sweeney
USA-01 Theresa Currier with Airick Wiki Isabela
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 120071/19Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:10.12.2019Chip-Nr.:900203000029403HD:normal (CZ)ED:normal (CZ)Father:Gero z Berounske basty
(CMKU/DS 94171/14)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Bela Kateniko
(CMKU/DS 105799/16) -
USA-02 Gregory Doud with Axel Lucaty
Breed Book Nr.:CMKU/DS 112014/18Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:21.04.2018Chip-Nr.:985112004736406HD:nearly normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Apollo vom Schloß Solitude
(SZ 2295325)
(IGP3(G-WUSV-WM))Mother:Kathrine Aykmar
(CMKU/DS 100210/15) -
USA-03 Boguslaw Kawa with Chase Rilyn
Breed Book Nr.:AKC DN 55196704Working Title:IGP3Litter Day:07.07.2018Chip-Nr.:956000010334173HD:nearly normal (D)ED:normal (D)Father:Neo vom Grenzlager
(SZ 2260602)
(IPO3(SG-WUSV-WM))Mother:Rock Star ze Stribrneho kamene
(CMKU/DS 101037/15)