Individualmeldungen der Teilnehmer (Mannschaftsstarter) bis 05.09.2024 hier:
Team Registration: Every WUSV member country is entitled to register a team.
Registrations can only be submitted by the respective national organizations.
Please submit the following with the participant registration:
- copy of the pedigree with HD/ ED diagnostic entries ((FCI: A, B, C, resp. 0,1), WUSV/SV bzw. FCI-recognized evaluation) – only applicable for dogs born from January 01st, 2018 on
- copy of the score book
- copy of a judge report on a show ranking with a minimum rating of GOOD, obtained at a minimum age of 12 months
- photo of the dog handler
- photo of the team captain
- Veterinary Certificate
- copy of the dog liability insurance policy
Contact Point:
Abteilung Bewertungen Tel. +49 (0) 821 74002-52, E-Mail, Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. Steinerne Furt 71 86167 Augsburg
Registration Fee
The registration fee per dog is € 140,00 and shall be transferred to the following account:
Account Holder: Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V:
Stadtsparkasse Augsburg IBAN DE07 7205 0000 0810 2000 30 BIC AUGSDE77XXX
Reference: WUSV World Championship IP & Country Name of the Club
Or use the online payment system of the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V:
Starting numbers
When the WM 2024 is over the starting numbers which have been given out become property of the participating dog handler. The starting numbers have to be worn throughout the draw, the award ceremony as well as from the registration of the dog handler for section A, B and C until the concerned group has finished. The starting numbers contain the country name (according to the Olympic rules) as well as the individual number of the dog handler within the concerned team.
Teams Camps & Hotel Bookings
Information on the available hotels can be found here.
Arrival of the teams
The latest day of arrival for the teams is Sunday, September 29, 2024. On arrival, the documents have to be submitted to the SV office in the Leichtathletikstadion Helter Damm, 49716 Meppen (Sunday from 10.00 o’clock to 18.00 o’clock.
The following documents must be available on site for the participating dogs:
- Pedigree
- Score Book (with confirmation of WUSV3/ IGP 3 examination)
- Valid Vaccination Certificate (for details please refer to veterinary requirements) or
- Verification of a Dog Liability Insurance
- Veterinary Certificate
Please enquire about special stipulations for the reimport of the participating dogs into their countries of origin before you make arrangements to travel and inform the head of information of the hosting organization accordingly.
National Flag and national anthem
Each country brings a flag to carry and their national anthem on CD/USB stick. The data files can also be send per e-mail to the organization leader
Immigration Laws
For information in terms of VISA requirements please refer to the consulate of the hosting country in your country of origin.
Veterinary regulations for entry with the dogs
Dogs verifiably have to meet the requested immunization protection (proof by EU vaccination card or veterinary confirmation) and possible further requirements in the country of the event. Dogs from abroad have to meet the particular requirements for entry in addition: Dogs from the foreign countries of Europe have to meet the same criteria as dogs from Germany (exact information can be found in Art . 6 ff der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 576/2013). Dog from all other foreign countries must also be marked and for them a vaccination booklet/a certificate of health verifying an active vaccination against rabies has to be carried. Dogs from not listed third party countries in addition must have a sufficient high rabies titer which has been diagnosed in an EU licensed laboratory ( and have to observe the waiting time of three months according to the titer diagnosis (detailed information can be found in Art . 10 ff of Verordnung (EU) Nr. 576/2013).
The vaccination requirements of the hosting country:
Dogs brought to the event may not be younger than 15 weeks and must verifiably have been vaccinated against rabies provided that: a) Primary vaccination: the vaccination was given at the age of at least 12 weeks, at least 21 days after the basic immunization was completed and not longer than the manufacturer of the vaccine states for a booster vaccination. b) Booster vaccination: the vaccination was given within the period the manufacturer of the vaccine states for the booster vaccination.
Proof can be given by an official veterinary certification showing the following data: a) Name and address of the animal owner, b) Breed, sex and age of the animal as well as color, the type and marking of the coat and c) Date of the vaccination including the type, the manufacturer and the legal control number of the used vaccine.
Animal Welfare and Protection Regulations:
For the training and practising with the dogs the following is strictly forbidden according to WUSV rules, this applies for both, outside and during the event:
- to exercise any kind of physical violence or aggression
- the usage or putting on of electric shock collars and the dummies hereof
- the usage of spiked or prong collars respectively coral and pinch collars
- the usage of doping substances
According to § 10 section 1 no 2 Animal Welfare Decree (TierSchHv, Germany) it is prohibited to exhibit dogs where congenitally
- Parts of the body or organs are missing or deformed and through this arises pain, suffering or harm,
- Abnormal behavior connected with suffering appears,
- Each species-appropriate contact with conspecifics causes pain or avoidable suffering or harm.
Furthermore, the Animal Protection Regulations of the hosting country are effective.
Violation of this regulation can cause disqualification and possibly criminal prosecution according to the Animal Protections Regulation of the hosting country.
Participation Requirements:
The competition is monitored by a veterinarian doctor. In order to receive a starting permission each participating dog must absolve a veterinarian examination. The examination is on Sunday vom 10.00 o’clock to 18.00 o’clock and on Monday from 10.00 o’clock to 18.00 o’clock in the Leichtathletikstadion Helter Damm (satnav: Helter Damm, 49716 Meppen). All females have to be examined for pregnancy by the veterinarian. Females in heat are excluded from the training. They have their training possibility in section B and C at the end of the training on Tuesday. During the veterinary examination every dog must undergo a fitness test. This includes a table jump exercise of a height of approximately 80 cm. The handler may not physically support the dog while performing the exercise. Dogs who fail this test are not admitted to the competition. During the veterinary examination no motivating objects or foods are admitted. Also, any other kind of interference is prohibited. The chip control of the dogs is to be carried out with the animal either standing or sitting with a loose respectively slack lead on. The handler may slightly move the dog’s head to the side with his or her hand, but the chip may not be read out by the handler. During the veterinary examination the head judge must be present since in case of any violation of the rules and regulations the dog affected will be disqualified from the competition. Animals whose health condition does not allow for the participation in the competition are to be excluded by the head judge. If it becomes obvious that an animal suffers from health-related problems or quite obviously from pain the handler must be dismissed from the venue and the dog shall be excluded from the entire event. Please be explicitly informed that the administration of medication in terms of pain killers and/ or performance enhancing drugs is strictly forbidden on the occasion of WUSV competitions and events. In case that such a violation of the rules becomes obvious the animal is to be excluded from the event by the head judge. The sectional judges are obliged to immediately inform the head judge in case that they become aware of anomalies and/ or irregularities as described above. A veterinary is available during the entire competition. At any time, the hosting organization is entitled to demand a veterinary examination in case that a dog shows symptoms of injuries or diseases. The veterinary certification shall apply at any moment.
Training possibilites
- Monday, September 30, 2024 from 08.00 o’clock to 18.00 o’clock
- Tuesday, October 1, 2024, from 8.00 o’clock to 13 o’clock
The training takes place in the Leichtathletikstadion Helter Damm in Meppen, as needed training already as of Sunday. (satnav: Helter Damm, 49716 Meppen)
Training Schedule:
The time units depend on the contingencies as registered by each team presents. Access to the area for training is only granted to the dog handlers and their helpers. Hiding places, hurdles, jump obstacles and dummies are made available in this area. Each participant is allowed 5 minutes for training but at least a minimum of 10 minutes per team. The training order follows the alphabetic order of the IOC country codes. The training process as well as the compliance with animal welfare related stipulations is monitored by the organizer. The dogs’ collars are inspected on this occasion. On the occasion of the test training on site the stadium the dogs are to be presented with collars as defined in the examination regulations. The handler must carry a lead at all times. The lead may only be attached to the dog’s collar. It is not allowed to attach additional leads or ropes to the dogs. The handlers are allowed to prepare their dogs for the competition with positively motivating objects or food. The usage of ball machines is admitted. Further means (such as whips) are not allowed. In case of a violation of the rules as outlined above the dog shall be disqualified. Handlers may wear normal sportswear (no training vests). It is obligatory to wear the starting vests. If a team fails to be present at the given starting time, they can be granted a chance for training at the end of the training session. Females in their heat are excluded from the training. They will be given a chance for training prior to their start at section B. Admission is only allowed for dog handlers, team captains, assistant personnel of the teams as well as supervisors as employed by the hosting country. The same animal welfare related rules shall apply as within the stadium. Jumping devices, dummies and protection work tents are made available.
Hurdles, A-frames, Dumbbells and Pistols
The jumping devices will be provided according to the currently valid examination regulations. The scaling wall is equipped with wooden strips and an anti-slip surface. The jumping devices will be removed from the performance ground during the protection work examinations – however – their positioning will be marked. The weight and size of the objects for bring-back exercises shall be in accordance with the examination regulations. Double respectively identical versions of the objects for bring-back exercises will be provided for by the host organization. The organizer has to make 2 pistols of calibre 6 available.
Test Training for Protection Work
The test training for protection work shall be held on October 1st , from 15.45 o’clock to 16.30 o’clock , Stadium Hänsch-Arena. On this occasion, the final selection of helpers shall be presented. Present will be the WUSV Coordinator for Trial and Training, the head judge, the judge for section C, the head of organization and the trial organizer for section C as well as the helpers.
Opening ceremony and drawing
- The opening ceremony is on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 17.00 o’clock in the stadium Hänsch-Arena. The teams meet as of 16.30 o’clock with their dogs behind the marquee (B-place).
- The drawing is on 19.00 o’clock in the marquee in the stadium Hänsch-Arena. The teams meet at 18.30 o’clock without their dogs behind the marquee (B-place). It is requested to previously send a music for the marching in to the organizer.
On the occasion of the drawing seats for the teams and assistants are reserved. Food and beverage is offered in the marquee.
Festive evening
Saturday 5th October 2024 at 08:00 PM, Festzelt im Stadion Hänsch-Arena.